If Greenwich is charging significantly less than most other Unis then there might be an opportunity to offer an 'extra value' degree which costs the full amount. Students could choose at the start of their degree whether they want the standard package which is what the Uni offers now. Or take the premium package which is charged at the maximum fee allowed £3000(+ a bit). For this extra £500 per year students could be given all kinds of extras:
- All the textbooks necessary for the entire course
- a laptop (leased)
- Free alumni and SU life membership
- Free Graduation tickets, robe, photos etc.
- Triple printing credit
- A pots and pans pack if living in halls
- Contents insurance
......and so on, building up a package that represents good value for £500 per year. Students would be happy because they could essentially get a loan for textbooks and laptop etc. which will cut down their expenses while they're actually studying.
You could even take this even further and offer a 'no frills' degree which is for teaching and assessment only i.e. no library or computer access and no access to Student Affairs.